We provide a results-driven program of communications consultation and hands-on media relations work tailored to meet the specific needs of every client we serve.

Colleges & Universities
We focus our efforts on generating media coverage that supports specific areas such as: raising the profile of your faculty; enhancing your institution's prestige among peer universities; supporting enrollment, alumni relations, fund-raising and image-building campaigns; raising awareness of new academic centers and institutes; and other strategic initiatives.
Our effective approach to engaging with college and university presidents and their senior communicators helps them align the vision of their university leadership and strategic-planning priorities to more effectively tap into and expand the potential of their existing campus storytelling resources.
Academy Communications frequently serves many of the nation's top news professionals by providing articulate and informed expert sources on breaking stories, news features or trends. All of our consultants have previously worked as reporters and editors. We recognize what makes a good quotable source, understand the news cycle and the news-story process, and respect tight deadlines. Our campus-experts database includes some of the nation's finest and most quotable academic sources on virtually any topic, from accounting to zoology.